Maternal Max Mineral


Feed Period: Year Round

  • Optimizes Performance
  • Supports the Body's Natural Defense System
  • Supports Healthy Antioxidant Status
  • Contains Organic Trace Minerals, which Offer Higher Bioavailability than Inorganic Minerals
  • Better Absorbed, Stored and Utilized by the Animal than Inorganic Mineral Sources
  • Reduced Concerns About Negative Mineral Interactions
  • Supports Mineral Retention and Tissue Reserves
  • Reinforces Mineral Status, Leading to OPtimal Overall Health, Immune Status, and Reproductive Function of the Animal

Why it's Important

Benefits of Organic Trace Minerals in Cows


growth, natural defense system, reproduction, foot health


digestion, vitamin B12 synthesis


reproduction, growth


natural defense system


antioxidant, reproduction, calf viability, natural defense system


Maternal Max Mineral BioMosĀ®



Feeding Period: 60 days before calving through breeding

Along with the benefits that Maternal Max provides, Maternal Max with BioMos® helps bind harmful bacteria and builds natural defenses to promote good gut health and boost performance. 

Benefits of BioMos®

  • Helps Calves Thrive and Reach their Genetic Potential
  • Supports Animal Performance
  • Aids Nutrient Utilization
  • Supports Economic Returns

High Quality Stress Tubs - Now Formulated with Alltech Ingredients